The first hackathron of the year
- This hackathron is held in kent state university ohio
- And the following is the schedule of it.
- And the following is the schedule of it.
After arrive at kent state university
- well, actually it is kind of country side so when I try to book a uber , I need to wait for 10+ mins.
- When I arrived at the fashion school library, people there was still preparing for the hackathron check in. So I went to a donut restaurant to grab some food in case they do not provide foor at night.
- Check in is really boring, if you get a student id from a US university, you will be good to go.
walk around the building
- well, the product designed here is actully not bad
skip the boring opening ceremony
- They actually provide a lot of hardware for you to play with.
- arduino
- body scanner
- one of my teammate go in and try the machine. however the data is not quite useful.
- two 3D printer
- well, in this hackathron many people use the printer and the printer actually help them a lot
about the project
- We create a product that would bridge the sustainability information gap between shoppers and companies.
- The website gives shoppers the knowledge they need in order to make sustainable fashion choices.
- The project code link is : https://github.com/pbking1/fashion_hackathron_project
- The project video link is : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1uz8_mpKC4
after finishing the project, expo
- My teammate will introduce the project in the expo and when it comes to the tech detail. I will be answering.
- There are actually some good design in this hackathron.
1.This one put two eletronic board on the eye glass. and you will be able to change the picture display on it.
- a good tools for party.
2.This one embed a eletronic board on the bag and you will be able to change the light display on it.
- a good tools for party.
3.These two, look like they use tech on scarf and bra.