citadel onsite面试
- 结果是rejected
- 第一轮 hr发邮件通知说有一个技术面
- 然后就会有一个技术人员打电话给你,然后面试一些技术方面的内容
- 例如:
- 如何找出两个只有一个field的数据库表的区别
- 问了快排和归并的区别
- 还有问mutex在什么时候用
- 第二轮
- hr会跟你说邀请你去芝加哥总部面试
- 路费报销,免费一晚上宾馆
- 的士费也是
- 一共六轮面试
- 全部都是技术面试
- 第一轮:linux admin
- sed
- sum the 1th column and 3 column of a file
- python
- acm
- how many time will the two clock pointer overlap
- from 12, each hour the overlap will move on 1/5 part of one hour
- 第二轮:
- write some python program to deal with string
- 第三轮:
- program manger
- ask about the future of you
- what is the favorite project
- whether you will use our company as a jump stone and create your own company
- 第四轮 network (difficult)
- ask something about the latency of the network
- and ask about the thread
- ask about the mutex and how to lock
- 第五轮第六轮