goal part5
- Firm behavior and market structure (25%–35%)
- 1.Profit:
- a.Accounting versus economic profits
- b.Normal profit
- c.Profit maximization: MR=MC rule
- 2.Perfect competition
- a.Profit maximization
- b.Short-run supply and shut-down decision
- c.Firm and market behaviors in short-run and long-run equilibria
- d.Efficiency and perfect competition
- 3.Monopoly
- a.Sources of market power
- b.Profit maximization
- c.Inefficiency of monopoly
- d.Price discrimination
- 4.Oligopoly
- a.Interdependence, collusion and cartels
- b.Game theory and strategic behavior
- 5.Monopolistic competition
- a.Product differentiation and role of advertising
- b.Profit maximization
- c.Short-run and long-run equilibrium
- d.Excess capacity and inefficiency
- 1.Profit:
a.Accounting versus economic profits
- 企业都是最求利益最大化的
- 会计利润 = 总收益 – 显性成本
- 经济利润 = 显性成本 – 隐性成本
b.Normal profit
- 经济利润为0
- 但是会计利润不为0
- c.Profit maximization: MR=MC rule
- 当MR = MC时,利润最大化
2.Perfect competition完全竞争
- 特点:有许多买者与卖者,每个企业都无法影响市场价格,是price-taker,因此企业需求曲线是水平的完全弹性的,市场需求曲线向右下方倾斜;进入退出无壁垒,企业在长期无经济利润,因为有利润或损失的话就会有进入或退出直到把利润清零。
- a.Profit maximization
- P=AR是恒等式,因为P=TR/Q,AR=TR/Q。完全竞争市场很特别,企业获得利润最大化的产量是在P=MC=MR=AR时。
- b.Short-run supply and shut-down decision
- 短期的企业供给曲线是MC曲线在AVC上方的那段;在短期,如果P<AVC,企业选择停业;市场长期供给曲线是水平的。
- c.Firm and market behaviors in short-run and long-run equilibria
- 窍门:单个企业和整个市场的供求成本图相互对应。因为企业是价格接受者,所以企业的价格线应与市场的一致。当市场需求有变化从而影响市场均衡价格,再反映到企业的价格变化,企业就有了短期利润或损失,吸引新企业进入市场或导致旧企业退出,从而反映到市场供给曲线往右或往左移动,进而形成新的市场均衡价格,反复调整后,长期均衡价格会等于minATC,而此时刚好也等于MC。 – 计算短期profit或loss时,应找准P和ATC,Profit=TR-TC=(P-ATC)*Q
- d.Efficiency and perfect competition
- 因为P=MC,所以完全竞争市场有效率。
- 特点:只有一家企业,因此需求曲线向右下方倾斜;自己定价,是price maker;有壁垒,因此有长期经济利润
- a.Sources of market power
- 垄断的三种来源:天然拥有某种资源,如南非钻石;政府给予的特权,如专利保护;自然垄断,由规模经济引起的,如供电。
- b.Profit maximization利益最大化
- 先通过MR=MC的条件确定产量Q,再通过需求曲线找到对应的P,这是垄断企业利润最大化的条件。
- c.Inefficiency of monopoly 垄断无效率
- 因为产量少于需求并且收取高于期望的价格,所以垄断是效率低的。too little of the production and charges too high a price
- 会画图。知道Revenue maximizing(MR=0的产量),profit maximizing(MR=MC), efficient maximizing(P=MC)与fair return企业经济利润为0(ATC和D相交)这四种情况下的产量和价格。
- d.Price discrimination价格歧视
- 对每个消费者收取不同的价格,MR曲线与D重合,把所有消费者剩余都剥夺过来变成企业自己的利润。
4.Oligopoly 寡头
- a.Interdependence, collusion and cartels卡特尔、联盟、互赖
- 受反托拉斯法的约束,有market power,企业数量很少;合作的话,如同垄断一般获利最大,如果不合作,则利润不高。
- b.Game theory and strategic behavior博弈论和占优策略
- 会利用支付矩阵分析占优策略。题目中可能一方有占优策略另一方无占优策略,那么没有的那方要先揣测出有占优的那方的意图。
- a.Interdependence, collusion and cartels卡特尔、联盟、互赖
5.Monopolistic competition垄断竞争
- a.Product differentiation and role of advertising
- 有许多卖者,每个卖者提供略有差别的产品,无壁垒,有决定价格的能力,做广告的必要性
- b.Profit maximisation
- c.Short-run and long-run equilibrium
- 短期有profit或loss,吸引新企业进入或旧企业退出市场。
- 进而达到长期均衡,D与ATC曲线相切,切点刚好是MC=MR投影到D的点,长期利润为0。因为在ATC的下降部分相切,所以有规模经济。
- d.Excess capacity and inefficiency
- 垄断竞争无效率体现在:产能过剩 Excess capacity,价格过高 P>MC
- a.Product differentiation and role of advertising
- 1.What is the connection between elasticity and total revenue?
- elasticity弹性 and total revenue总收益 are related
- if a good is elastic in demand, total revenue will increase(decrease) with a price decrease(increase).
- 2.Explain why the short-run demand curve is usually less elastic than the long-run demand curve?
- 题意为:为什么短期需求曲线比长期需求曲线更加没弹性。
3.Which item in each pair has the larger elasticity of demand? Why? – a. Sports Illustrated or a magazine – b.Vacations or vacations in Cancun – c.Broccoli or vegetables – d.An IUPUI education or a college education
- 4.Define income elasticity of demand and cross-elasticity of demand.
- Income elasticity of demand:
- the percentage change in quantity demanded for a given percentage change in income.
- cross-elasticity of demand:
- the percentage change in the demand for good x when there is a given %change in the price of good y– 5.What are the differences between momentary, short-run, and long-run supply? Which is the most elastic? The least elastic? – long run supply is the most elastic in demand, monetary货币 is the least elastic in demand
- elasticity弹性 and total revenue总收益 are related