How to Install Ubuntu on Macbook Air Dual
1.For there are too many software that can be used in ubuntu not in OSX so I decided to install ubuntu on my macbook air
- I have try the mac version ubuntu and it do not work
- and the origin version for windows is work on mac
2.First use Unetbootin
to create a usb bootable ubnutu on mac
- There are two ways to finish this
- The first is(I do not succeed in this)
diskutil list
- show the disk that is mounted on your mac
- then insert the usb
- run
diskutil list again
- and determine the device node assigned to the usb like
- then
diskutil unmountDisk /disks1s2
- after that
sudo dd if=/path/to/ubuntu.img.dmg of=/dev/disks1s2 bs=2m
- to create the bootable usb ubuntu
- and the bs is the I/O speed and the max is 2m
- It may cost some time to complete
- finally run
eject /dev/disks1s2
- The second is
- use the
to create the bootable usb directly
3.Then we need the split the disk
- search
Disk Utility
- open it and get to the
- click ‘+’ to create a partition of 40 GB
- partition it in the MS-DOS(FAT)
- and click ‘+’ again to create a patition of 2 GB
- make the swap sizeMS-DOS(FAT)
- name the partition “swap”
- restart the computer and press alt/option key when starting
install ubuntu
- when being asked for
installation type
- choose something else to partition by ourselves
- select
and mount /
in the 40GB disk
- select
swap area
for the swap disk
- and nothing else should be difficult
after installing ubuntu successfully on mac you should do
sudo apt-get install macfanctld
to enable the fan and sensor
sudo apt-get install update && sudo apt-get upgrade
to update the system and get wifi work(you may not get wifi work at the first time you start the system, so get a wired network and upgrade the system)
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer
to install the adobe player
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linrunner/tlp
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw
sudo tlp start
- to improve battery life and reduce overhearting
some configuration of ubuntu
- first is the system mointer
- install conky manager and you can get lots of theme of it
- and I have to say thats really cool
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install conky-manager
- second is the byobu terminal
sudo apt-get install byobu
- and set the start up script in the
- and the terminal will start up in byobu
fn + F2
to create a new terminal
fn + F3
and fn + F4
to switch the terminal
- and
, guake
will be good choice of terminal
- press
can drop down the guake terminal
if there is error
- if face
xinit: server error
- run
sudo apt-get install --reinstall xorg
- and it may help